I believe that men and women become more effective leaders when they are willing to respect, learn from, and even adopt each other’s strategies and tactics.
Over the decades, I’ve noticed men become more collaborative and supportive, women become more adept at focusing on core issues, and both genders develop their abilities to balance head and heart.
Gender is not the only variable in the workplace. There are ethnicities, generations, personalities, nationalities, learning styles, communication preferences, job functions, and many more.
Imagine if these differences did not represent barriers to learning as much as opportunities to expand our thoughts and capabilities!
Diversity may contribute to the complexity of an organization, but it also increases innovation, problem solving skills, and even market relevance.
Let’s take a minute and consider what we could learn from the very different people that are around us.
(Pay particular attention to anyone you find really annoying!)
Let’s also consider what we’re missing if everyone around us is just like us!
Great article, hope to see many more like this!
Posted by: franchise opportunity | August 26, 2007 at 04:15 PM