We can’t be serious all the time – right?
Seriously, though, the links embedded in this story (story template courtesy of Successful Blog) are all great sources of information about publishing, media, marketing, and entrepreneurs. I read every one of them!
This was just the fun and creative exercise I needed this (US) holiday weekend.
Social Media Marketing and Publishing 2.0
Publishing 2.0 was enjoying great Success from the Nest, when out of the blue PersonaNonData appeared. You might think this is strange, but when planning an Escape from Cubicle Nation such things happen all the time.
Our brave and quirky hero knew exactly what to do — Micro Persuasion, but our brave and quirky hero had no PaidContent with which to do it!
Seeking help to resolve this dilemma, our hero headed down the road to The Viral Garden.
The road passed three creatures — each of them was more interesting than the next.
The first was an Entrepreneurial MD who generated valuable content all the time. The second was a Content Blogger who often told others how content was changing and what they could do with it. The third was a VC, with money and vision.
Our brave and quirky hero ran the rest of the way, and when she got there, she got another surprise!
“Print is Dead!” our hero exclaimed.
“Perhaps, but Content Matters,” Barry answered.
“I was enjoying great Success from the Nest, when out of the blue PersonaNonData appeared.” our brave and quirky hero said, knees shaking.
“Could you spare some Logic + Emotion?”
And so it passed that The Krafty Librarian gave our brave and quirky hero The Bivings Report AND a publishing talk and all was well.
You might think this is strange, but when planning an Escape from Cubicle Nation such things happen all the time.
Hi Brad -
I just read your story, nice job! Yes, we did have several shared links. We'll have to compare notes on the blogs we read some day!!
Posted by: ann michael | September 13, 2007 at 08:13 AM
Very nice! I notice we have some similar taste in links ...
Posted by: Brad Shorr | September 12, 2007 at 04:07 PM
Yes Joanna it sure was fun (mine took a long time too - but it was worth it).
Posted by: ann michael | September 12, 2007 at 03:34 PM
Hi Ann - I loved your story! It was a fun challenge wasn't it, but lots of hard work. I spent far too long over mine - but I was glad I did once I'd finished it.
I'm really enjoying reading everybody's entries - it's amazing how we've all woven a story around our own 'themes' using the same template.
Posted by: Joanna Young | September 12, 2007 at 02:51 PM
Great additions, Barry - thanks!
Posted by: ann michael | September 04, 2007 at 03:33 PM
Lots of fun, Ann.
To be "Somewhat Frank" (Frank Gruber), your hero may have crossed one of Ken Doctor's "Content Bridges" in their journey...
Posted by: Barry Graubart | September 04, 2007 at 02:17 PM
Hello guys!
Thanks for stopping by. This was really fun to write (and took longer than I would have thought).
Forgive my delayed response, I actually spent the entire day yesterday with my computer OFF! It's been more than 7 years since I spent a day like that - pathetic, eh?
Posted by: ann michael | September 03, 2007 at 08:46 AM
Nice one, Ann - and thanks for the shout out!
Posted by: Jon Reed | September 02, 2007 at 09:19 PM
Very creative and thanks for the endorsement.
Posted by: Personanondata | September 02, 2007 at 05:47 PM
Very good Ann, and very creative!
Posted by: Mack Collier | September 02, 2007 at 12:28 PM
Very fun idea indeed!
Posted by: DA | September 01, 2007 at 06:37 PM
I'm so glad that my Escape from Cubicle Nation Succeeded. :)
Posted by: Liz Strauss | September 01, 2007 at 03:02 PM